Having good tax advice is essential to pay less taxes and to be able to prepare an adequate tax planning plan that adjusts the tax burden of your company as much as possible.</p > Tax savings should not be taken lightly since they are essential for a business’s proper functioning. Some companies still prefer to do things “their way,” which can be counterproductive in the long run.

< robust>Errors are often made, and it is all too common to submit tax forms after the deadline or poorly completed.

It is a relief to avoid tax fines from the Treasury, allowing you to develop your economic activity without setbacks. To ensure everything is done correctly, it is highly recommended to have the help of a tax advisor.

What does a tax consultancy do?

A tax consultancy advises individuals and companies to file their taxes and plan income tax to pay as little as possible.

It will help if you remember that the differences between well-done and poorly-done advice could be better. < substantial>The consequences can be terrible if you do not receive correct advice, as the company will pay more taxes than it should.

In this exciting article from Sage Spain, you can read several examples of the advice they offer in a tax consultancy.

What Tax Savings can be achieved?

Although many are unaware of it, most companies are paying more than what is required by law, which is why having good tax advice reduces the tax burden.
The figure varies depending on your current situation, but the tax reduction is approximately 30%. It is undoubtedly a very important tax saving, but tax advice does more than that.

Tax planning is decisive for the correct functioning of the company, and having tax advice is essential.

What else does tax advice offer?

Another advantage of having good tax advice is that it ensures your tax filing is done correctly.

Although it may seem incredible, many receive fines for submitting tax forms late, which ends up causing many problems, usually in the form of requests to the Treasury.

Understanding how and when to engage with the Treasury is crucial. With their extensive experience, tax consultancies are adept at this and are well-versed in all the legal loopholes that can work in your favour.

Many seek tax advice because they have received a request from the Treasury. They do it scandalized and almost always without knowing what they have done wrong. In most cases, it happens because they have not filed taxes on time.

At tax advice, they can make a claim and ensure that something similar never happens to you again.

Tax advice to pay less taxes

By working with good tax advice , you ensure the greatest guarantee for your company. You may indeed have a tax consultancy that applies bad practices, but if that happens, you can look for another one without problems.

For those in Barcelona, we have an article that highlights some of the outstanding tax consultancies in the city. This can be a great starting point for your search for professional tax advice.

Knowing that you are covered at all times and that a team of professionals is dedicated only to ensuring that you pay the minimum will help you dedicate yourself to other, more productive aspects of your company.
There is no better solution than taking advantage of the advantages tax advice offers.


Now you know that tax advice is essential to enhance the functioning of your company. An experienced professional is always better than trying to do things haphazardly.

Ultimately, it’s about having a tax expert always ready to empower your company, and what’s more important, to help you take control of your tax payments.

If you need to know more you can consult our Tax Consulting.

For any questions, contact our labor advisors.