The self-employed may retain 15% of personal income tax

If you are a self-employed worker, you should know that a new type of withholding came into force for this type of worker in July last year.

The measure implies the possibility of applying a 15% withholding (instead of the current 21%).

Application requirements:

  1. Having received income from professional performance (as a self-employed person) of less than €15,000 per year in the previous year (2013).
  2. Such returns must represent more than 75% of the worker’s total income (as a self-employed person).
  3. The payer may require you in writing to certify that you meet the requirements to apply said withholding (see attached model)

Links of interest:

if self-employed ilia

  • you must have invoiced less than €15,000/year as a professional income.
  • Work income must represent a maximum of 25% of your income.

If you need to know more you can consult our Tax Consulting.