Los 5 principales motivos para cambiar de asesoría fiscal
We have recently reached the end of the fiscal year for most Spanish companies. During these dates, tax advisors receive similar queries about when and how to change advice. [...]
We have recently reached the end of the fiscal year for most Spanish companies. During these dates, tax advisors receive similar queries about when and how to change advice. [...]
For all those who are interested in the world of tax consultancy, or simply if you have a company and are looking for a tax consultant in Barcelona, we [...]
It is possible that you already know, if you have a company registered in the Monthly VAT Refund Scheme (REDEME), that you are obliged to present Form 340 every [...]
Fieles al proverbio tradicional de “no hagas hoy lo que puedas dejar para mañana”, los contribuyentes españoles suelen esperar hasta el último momento para pensar en cómo ahorrar impuestos. [...]