Cuentas Anuales (Annual Accounts)

We can prepare and file your company’s annual accounts.

The legalisation of a company’s annual accounts is completed with the filing of the accounting information in the Registro Mercantil.

At ETL ILIA we are experts in presenting “Cuentas anuales” of our clients and we take all the necessary steps to do it promptly and accurately.

  • We complete the annual accounts in the required official formats.
  • We prepare all the documentation for presentation (balance, statement, operating account and certification of minutes).
  • We file the accounts electronically in the Registro Mercantil.

The information in your “cuentas anuales” should always be clear, correct and comparable with previous years. Having a legal adviser ensures you present them correctly.

We you present your “cuentas anuales” (Annual Accounts) they must include:

  • Closing balance.
  • Profit and loss.
  • Changes in equity.
  • Cash flow.
  • Statement.
Take advantage of our experience and allow us to present the annual accounts of your company.