The Form 111 is presented quarterly and is used to settle the income and withholdings on account of the IRPF. It must always be submitted on time and within the deadline to avoid unwanted tax fines.
Who must submit Form 111?
All those who during the quarter have made withholdings in at least one of their operations and are part of the following groups:
- Self-employed
- Companies
- Businessmen
The methodology is simple, you just have to write down, one by one, the operations carried out during the quarter.
What operations are exactly?
All those to which you have applied withholdings, but it is vitally important that you are meticulous, since any error or omission would lead to unnecessary tax fines. The most common withholdings can be grouped into four large groups:
- Work income: Payrolls and settlements
- Advisory income: For consultancy and modular activities.
- Property returns: Industrial and intellectual.
- Prize yields: Earnings earned from contests and lotteries.
Now that you know the information you must provide, it is essential to know the delivery times.
When is Model 111 presented?
It is presented four times a year and the delivery of one quarter does not free you from doing it again in the following ones. The presentation dates are:
- January: Between the 1st and the 20th.
- April: Between the 1st and the 20th.
- July: Between the 1st and the 20th.
- October: Between the 1st and the 20th.
If you want todebit the payment you must do so before the 15th of the mentioned months. At this point you just need to know how to present it.
How is it presented?
The Tax Agency offers two ways to present Form 111. You can do it telematically or in person, but always within the deadline and with all the correct data.
As it is a quarterly model, you should know that it has an annual equivalent. At the end of the year you must present Model 190, which consists of adding all the models 111 presented during the year.
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