The dreaded direct settlement system (CRETA) of Social Security is now in operation. Law 34/2014 of December 26, 2014, established the new Social Security contributions system for joint collection concepts. Through this system, the Treasury will determine the corresponding contribution of each worker based on the data the company is obliged to provide for the settlement calculation.

At Ilia Consultoria, we have been selected by the General Treasury of Social Security to adapt, as tests, to the new direct settlement system (CRETE). Faithful to our innovative spirit, we volunteered to collaborate with Social Security to implement this new system.

Thus, during the coming months, we will begin to settle the social insurance of our clients through this new system.

In this way, when the widespread implementation of the direct settlement system (CRETA) becomes effective, foreseeably during the next financial year (2017), in Ilia Consultoria we will already have experience in the presentation of social insurance through this system since we will have collaborated with Social Security in its implementation.

Basically, this is part of the crusade maintained by both Treasury and Treasury to gather maximum information possible on the taxpayers. If, to date, the only information provided was the name of the workers and the contribution bases, now Social Security asks us for complete details of the remuneration concepts of each worker.

This measure, combined with the mandatory nature of communicating the collective agreement to which each company is affiliated, allows Social Security, through the crossing of computer data, ensure that no worker is being paid below the minimum wage established by the agreement. It also allows the Treasury to know the detailed remuneration of each taxpayer given the income tax return (IRPF).

If you need to know more you can consult our Tax Consulting.

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