Infographic Order SND/388/2020, of May 3, establishes the conditions for opening certain shops and services to the public.

Orden SND/388/2020 | ETL ILIA

Establishments and premises

Reopening of all retail stores, with the exception of those with more than 400 square meters as well as those that have the character of a shopping center or shopping park.


  • Appointment system that guarantees a single client for each worker, without enabling waiting areas.
  • The proper physical separation will be guaranteed or avoided by installing counters or screens.
  • Preferential service hours for people over 65 years of age (make them coincide with the time slots for taking walks and physical activity for this group).
  • The trips to the establishments and premises referred to in this article may only be made within the municipality of residence, unless the service or product is not available there.


  1. Cleaning and disinfection twice a day (mandatory at the end of the day).
  2. Discard protective materials and equipment after each cleaning.
  3. Carry out cleaning and disinfection at each shift change.
  4. More than 1 worker: extend cleaning to private areas of workers.
  5. Daily washing and disinfection of uniforms and work clothes.
  6. Customers cannot use the toilets.

The interpersonal safety distance of two meters between clients must be clearly indicated.

Establishments must make hydroalcoholic gel dispensers available to the public (registered by the Ministry of Health).

They will not be able to join the work:

  1. Workers in home isolation
  2. Are in quarantine with contact with someone infected

The owner of the economic activity must comply with the risk prevention obligations.


  1. A meter with protection elements
  2. Two meters without protection elements

Establishments must make hydroalcoholic gel dispensers available to the public (registered by the Ministry of Health).

Hotels and restaurants

  • Home delivery
  • Consumption inside the establishments is prohibited
  • Pick up of orders
  • The time of permanence of the client will be only the time necessary for the collection of the order
  • The customer must previously order by phone or online
  • The establishment must have space enabled and marked for collection