Cryptocurrency taxation: what crypto activities can generate profits?
Cryptocurrencies are gaining more and more notoriety in Spain. So much so that they have begun to be regulated, and people who make profits from their operations with [...]
Cryptocurrencies are gaining more and more notoriety in Spain. So much so that they have begun to be regulated, and people who make profits from their operations with [...]
[eh_optimize_youtube_embed video="" banner="ón-Blockchain-ILIA-Consulting.jpg" width="800" height="533" "alternate_text="Introducción Blockchain | ETL ILIA"] [eh_optimize_youtube_embed video="" banner="ón-Blockchain-ILIA-Consulting.jpg" width="300" height="200" "alternate_text="Introducción Blockchain | ETL ILIA"] [...]
ETL ILIA is a pioneering and leading firm in advice on crypto-assets, committed to offering a comprehensive service in tax and legal advice every day. [...]
Everydays – The First 5000 Days, by Mike Winkelmann (Beeple) -, Fair use Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have generated a lot of hype in recent years, not [...]
The cryptocurrency market is quite volatile and changeable, and banks constantly warn about the risk of investing in cryptocurrencies. Still, digital currencies are often seen as a form [...]
For a long time, gold or silver has been valued (and currently, it is valued too) above other metals that can be just as valuable. Why do they [...]