When and how to file Form D6

If you have securities deposited with a broker located abroad, you will have to present Form D6. In this post, we tell you how to present it easily and in which cases it should be presented.

What is Form D6 and in which cases should it be submitted?

Form D6 is the declaration of Spanish investment holders abroad of negotiable securities. It is a document that must be submitted each year to the Investment Registry in the case of deposits.

It is important to note that it is an informative return, focused on avoiding tax fraud, so its submission does not imply the payment of taxes.

With Firm D6, two kinds of declarations are made.

  • The declaration of deposits. It is done in the case in which there are securities in listed entities deposited abroad. The return is presented each year between January 1 and 31 and refers to the balances as of December 31 of the previous year.
  • The statement of operations or flows. In this case, those investments and divestments in non-resident companies that exceed € 1,502,530.26 or in which the investor has a minimum 10% stake are declared. In this case, the statement must be submitted during the following month with respect to the date of completion of the operation.

It is essential to keep in mind that the same form cannot be presented for the two declarations, but they will have to be done separately.

How is the Form D6 presented?

To correctly present the Form D6, you can follow the following steps:

  • Gather information. Although it seems obvious, the first thing you will have to do is collect all the data to fill in the model. The simplest thing is to create an Excel table with all the data to have them located. These are the data you will need:
    • One of the most critical data is the broker’s statement dated December 31 of the previous year. Each broker has its process, but in general, the information they provide should appear a list of the deposited values, with their description and their market value in the local currency.
    • In addition to the above, you will have to collect the ISIN code for each security, a twelve-digit code that uniquely identifies each security.
    • PDF of your DNI or NIE. The file format must be a PDF because no other format is supported. If you take a photo of your ID, you can transform it into PDF online on various web pages that exist on the web.
  • Download the Aforix program. Aforix is a program to help you fill in various Models such as D6. On this page of the Secretary of State’s virtual office for Commerce, you can download the program. In general, Model D6 must be submitted electronically. Still, in the case of individuals who are holders of an investment for which this model has to be submitted, they may use the pre-printed forms available in the Ministry’s General Registry of Economic and Competitiveness or the Territorial or Provincial Directorates of Commerce.
  • Fill in Form D6. Form D6 has the following parts:
    • Header. In this part, you must mark with an X the type of declaration you will make, deposits or operations or flows. You will also have to include the year to which it refers. If you must make a statement to rectify a previous one, you will also have to indicate it, and the new statement will replace the previous one.
    • Investor data. In this case, one must differentiate:
      • If the investment owner is a natural person, they should include their full name and surnames, NIF or NIE number, street, number, postal code, municipality and province.
      • In the case of a legal person, they should add the company name, NIF and details of the entity’s address.
    • Securities data. This section is where you will have to include all the information that you have collected:
      • Operation class. This section will be filled in in the case of declaration of flows, and it must be indicated if it is about purchases or sales.
      • Operation date. It will have to be filled in only in the case of declaration of flows and the day, month and year will be indicated.
      • Participation equal to or greater than 10% of the capital. If your participation is equal to or greater than 10%, you will have to check this box and indicate the specific percentage of participation.
      • ISIN code. It is the code that we have seen before, and that corresponds to each value.
      • Value description. Includes the name of the value.
      • You will have to include a code according to a table.
      • A code, according to a table will also be included.
      • Country. Each country’s code appears in a table, and it will have to be added for both flows and deposits.
      • Each coin has a code that you must include.
      • The number of titles. Add the number of titles or shares you have.
      • Nominal in the currency of denomination. It is the total nominal amount of the deposit, and it will be indicated in the currency stated above.
      • Actual amount.
        • In the statement of flows, the effective amount of the purchase or sale transaction must be added, in euros and based on the euro’s quotation concerning the currency in which the transaction was carried out.
        • In the declaration of deposits, the total effective amount of December 31 is indicated in the currency stated above.
      • Statement. The data of the investor or his legal representative and the place, date and signature are added. The signature must be electronic, so, conveniently, you have previously done the procedure to install it on your computer.
      • Contact information for notifications. In this case, the address, telephone number and email of the person who will receive the notifications regarding the D6 Form will be indicated.
    • Presentation of the Form and the attached documents. In this last step, you will have to electronically submit Form D6 and the attached documents (extracts as of December 31 from the brokers, ID, etc.) Finally, a report will appear, confirming that the return has been correctly registered.

As you have seen, these are procedures that can be somewhat complex, so it is essential to have a tax expert who will advise you on completing Form D6 and completing all the processes.